Wow, this was a C-Razy busy weekend full of exciting activities so be prepared for an all over the place post.
Let's start with Friday. Nat and I had "date night". I was super excited, especially because it was a surprise!! After a little confusion, thinking that we were going to Cirque du Soleil, I realized we were going to the horse races!! It was really cool. I've never been before and I really enjoyed watching & betting on the horses. We didn't win anything. My best bet was when I bet on a horse that scratched so I got my money back! But- It was still way fun- and quality time with the hubs.
Saturday afternoon was awesome. We went to a crawfish broil wish some of our besties, Ben and Tindell. We ate A LOT of crawfish. The weather was beautiful, a little hot but nice and sunny. And believe me, we needed the sun! They also had free Sprinkles cupcakes. YUM. We managed to win the raffle- second year in a row!! This year we won a detailed hand carwash and 30$ to the Black Lab Pub. Bonus!!
SUNDAY we auditioned for the FAMILY FEUD!! It was hilarously fun. We basically played the game for about two rounds to show our enthusiasm, then the casting director gave us a card and asked us if we would film a promotion. So, we go back to the room where we are supposed to film "said promotion"- and there is the executive producer!! She said we were there because she wanted us on the show!! So we filmed an audition tape (basically just introductions and cheering) and we were on our way!! We should hear back in a couple of weeks. They have to take the audition tape back to LA to be reviewed. Who knows if we made it- but if not It was still crazy fun!!
Cross your fingers for the Heston Family!!
Everything in this post is so exciting!! I can't wait to watch you on Family Feud and that crawfish looks soooo delicious!! And I'll have to check out the horse races, that sounds like fun!!