
Monday, February 28, 2011

Rodeo Cook-Off

It's that time of year again people! The best time in Houston- the Rodeo!! This weekend, Nat and I were invited to go to the Rodeo Cook-Off. This was my first cook off experience so I had no idea what to expect- but it was a blast!! There was BBQ, Boots, and Dancing galoure! We had a fabulous time.. Here are some pics from the evening...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Bike Ride"

So, Sunday Nat, Ben, Tindell and I set off for a bike ride. We hauled our bikes out from the third floor, pumped up the tires, and put on our helmets. (ok not really) We were ready to go. We finally set off for Memorial park and about 2 seconds in we hear "CLINK....Pedal fail!" Ben's pedal had fallen off. He got a solid half a pedal out of that thing before it came off. So we reverted to plan B.. taking a walk in the Houston Arboretum. It ended up being really fun, and a great place to take pictures! Here are some pics of the outing..
The 5 minues we did actually ride bikes

I think this was supposed to be Tindells Weely


Tindell being attacked


Ben and Tindell... or Bindell... or Bentin

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photo Journey

I've officially started practicing taking family portraits. It's something that I'm really passionate and excited about. I am loving it and I feel like for the first time I have a real GOAL/DREAM! Follow my photo journey here...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Day

Nat and I celebrated out first Valentines day as a married couple. It was a day full of surprises. The day started with Nat waking up on his FIRST alarm.. to get up and cook me a waffle breakfast. It was yummy and though i was super impressed by the waffles, I was even MORE immpressed that he woke up to do that for me!! He also got me the gold glitter toms that i've been oh so quietly hinting that I wanted :)

That afternoon, I surprised him with his gift. The amos lee CD, and a hand made card. It was a fantastic valentines day, and I'm just so happy to have spent it with my husband! (still sounds weird)
Our waffle Breakfast.. yum!

The Card nat gave me.. perfect- I love Glee!!

The HANDMADE card i gave nat- not too shabby?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Amos Lee

This weekend, our friends Chris and Meredith came into town  for the Amos Lee concert. It was an amazing concert and I'm glad we got to share it with them!
"Willie Nelson is Coming???? Oh wait.. thats the album cover..."

Amos- looking like he just rolled out of bed..

The Mr. and Me

The bestie and me

Chris and Nat.. besties with.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Katelyns Birthday Party

This weekend we celebrated our niece Katelyn's second birthday. Do you think she had a good time? Let me tell you, this little lady is a hoot. Nat and I are constantly quoting her, and she brings us immeasurable joy. We love you Katelyn Grace! It was Katelyn's day because of her sweet birthday, but all of my nieces and nephew are the most precious joys of my life. I am glad that I am officially their "Aunt" Jessie, but I've loved them like my own ever since I've met them! Here are some more fun pics of our dear little ones...

Me and My Girls

Coop- My Man

Elizabeth- Just Chillen

Payton looking all grown up!
i mean- you can't look at this and NOT smile

Here is the Gem of the party- if you need a good laugh check this out. I told you she is hilarous.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 7, 2011

Come to me for rest and refreshment. The journey has been too much for you, and you are bone weary. Do not be ashamed of your exhaustion. Instead see it as an opportunity for ME to take charge of your life.

Remember that I can fit everything into a pattern for good, including the things you wish were different. Start with where you are at this point in time and space, accepting that this is where I intend you to be. You will get through today one step, one moment at a time. Your main responsibility is to remain attentive to Me, letting Me guide you through the many choices alone your pathway.

This sounds like an easy assignment, but it is not. Your desire to live in My Presence goes against the grain of "the world, the flesh, and the devil." Much of your weariness results from your constant battle against these opponents. However, you are on the path of My choosing, so do not give up! Hope in Me, for you will again praise Me for the help of My Prescence.

Romans 8:28, Psalm 42: 11

*From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young*

This was my devotional last night. I was floored. Yesterday I had a terrible day at work. I had basically given up. Given up on myself as a teacher, and given up on my kids ability to learn. I wanted to be anywhere but there. "Surely", I thought, "Surely this is not where God wants me." But it is, It is where He has me, and He will make it good. For his Glory, not mine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Artic Blast

We had a surpise 3 day weekend this weekend. Thursday at about 11 HISD announced that school was cancelled on Friday due to inclement weather. SNOOOWWW DAY! This was bitter sweet for me considering I know that we will just have to make this day up later.. but it was pretty nice to have the unexpected day off. Our friends Ben and Tindell came over on Thursday night for a little Chili and game night. The Chili was perfect for a cold night and Nat and I always love games. Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat (which has now turned into a full blown sinus infection... yuck) I got some things done around the house and then ventured out in the "Artic Blast" to the camera store. I've found my new love. The cannon 60d. I am saving up for it as we speak and can't wait until it is mine. I've loved photography for a long time- especially after I was able to take a couple of classes during my time in Italy.I'm really hoping to get back into it again- and who knows maybe someday even making this hobby into something more. It's just a dream of mine for now, but I'm excited to get a camera that will help me make this dream into a possible reality. After the trip to the camera store I went over to my old apartment with Christie and lounged and watched movies- perfect laziness for a snow day. Friday night Nat and I went out to Chilis and I was in bed before 10 because I wasnt feeling well. After the chilling cold on friday- saturday was a beautiful day and Nat and I took a walk around Memorial park, I got my nails done (one of my favorite past times) and we took naps. Perfect saturday in my opinion. Saturday night was a blast. We went out to Mi Luna- a tappas place with our friends The Baldwins, The Martins, and The Stanfills (tindell's parents were in from Atlanta) after that we played darts at a little bar. The boys dominated in darts (what else is new?) But we still managed to have a good time..Sunday afternoon we cooked sausage balls, and corn dip and headed to The Wolfes for the superbowl party. The food was a hit (which always makes me happy) Nat managed to win 20 bucks off the game, and the commercials kept me somewhat interested. My sweet husband left with me after half time because I was feeling so yucky, and I was asleep by 8:45.

So- that was our weekend. Nothing too exciting. Maybe someday i will blog about more than just our weekend adventures.

 I am sitting here at work, sniffling, debating on whether or not to get on antibiotics for my sinus infection...

The Mr. and I on Saturday night

Sausage Balls... yum!

Me walking.. 2 days after the Artic Blast (it was 70 Degrees)

My Bullseye

The Beautiful Ladies